Mindful Awareness of Emotions

Mindful Awareness of Emotions

Activating Growth Mindset

Quite often we use the word ‘NEGATIVE’ in our conversations without realizing the impact it has on our subconscious mind. Especially with this pandemic going on, we are labeling most of our ‘UNCOMFORTABLE’ or ‘DIFFICULT’ emotions as ‘NEGATIVE’. One such emotion which we label as negative is ‘FEAR’!

Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of going through a heartbreak, fear of dying, fear of losing a loved one or fear of not having enough; we all experience this uncomfortable emotion in our lives at some point in one way or the other. It is very easy to label it as a ‘negative’ emotion and refrain from dealing with it.

Today, I invite you to look at fear from a different perspective without labeling it as a ‘negative’ emotion. Fear can actually be a very good teacher, an emotion that allows us to stretch ourselves and push our boundaries, be a little uncomfortable, think outside the box and step outside our comfort zones. Been there, done that! I know it’s not easy but it’s doable.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

Fear is an opportunity for us to train our mind to stay balanced and anchored in the present moment. Cultivate self-awareness and acknowledge the presence of fear as and when this emotion arises and then mindfully stand in your own power. Harness the energy of this beautiful emotion to dive deeper into your soul to unleash immense inherent powers of your soul.

Fear can be transformative as it can trigger a series of events that can guide us to go deep within to get to the root cause of the fear which is usually in our childhood as childhood traumas manifest into uncomfortable emotions we go through in our adult life, fear being one of them.

Mindful awareness of our emotions however difficult or uncomfortable they might be, acknowledging their presence and making necessary amends so as to deal with them in the present moment opens up a whole new world of possibilities where growth becomes inevitable.

Today I challenge you to shift your mindset and see such uncomfortable and difficult emotions like ‘fear’ as opportunities for transformation. Let’s be mindful of the labels we attach to uncomfortable and difficult emotions as well as situations, remembering that our thoughts are quite powerful and our thoughts manifest into our reality.

Much love and light, Divine souls!


Do you feel stuck in old thought patterns?

Would you like to cultivate growth mindset?

Would you like to step into a whole new world of possibilities?


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Pooja Grover

Pooja is a highly approachable Transformative Consultant, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer, Corporate Wellness Expert, and Intuitive Visual Artist, dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential at work and in life to become the best version of yourself. Pooja's approach is centered around cultivating self-awareness and embarking on a mindful journey to self-discovery, self-actualization, self-love, and self-compassion.