Enjoy the Moment! Let it be!

Enjoy the Moment! Let it be!

Hearing the whispers of life

I immersed myself in the world of colours and creativity to find some recite when the going got tougher. Least did I know that I am embarking on a journey of not just healing my body but my mind and soul too. Art became a gateway into mindfulness and I started painting my own Mindful Intuitions.

My artwork inspires me to keep growing and living a more genuine, loving and meaningful life. Soon, I started realizing that it is by going deep into the ocean of my own inner self that I was discovering the real treasures of life. By accepting the ceaseless sounds of the waves of thoughts in my head, by focusing on the sounds themselves and then eventually embracing them by living in the moment changed the very fundamentals of my life; inviting peace, calm and serenity in my life. I was on the path of finding the real treasures of life glittering amidst the calming waves of the ocean. Life whispered, “Enjoy the moment! Let it be!

My healing journey encouraged me to calm my body and mind amidst the daily chatter of thought while staying light-hearted and keeping a positive outlook towards life. My creative adventures took my mind on a journey into realms less known to the ordinary. The steps that led me on my mindful journey guided by my creativity bringing healing can be followed by anyone who is on a quest to finding their true selves. 

  1. Practicing Mindfulness
    Practicing Mindfulness includes but is not limited to
    • Acceptance
      Focusing on the present rather than dwelling on the mistakes of the past or worrying about the hypothetical outcomes of the future invites acceptance in our lives. When we accept whatever good or bad that has happened to us without any judgement, realizing that those adversities were not stumbling blocks but stepping stones that helped us grow and be where we are today, we invite peace and calm in our lives.
    • Awareness
      Becoming aware of our environment as well as events, possibilities and potentialities within our environment helps us tune ourselves to better understand how to channelize our energy. Awareness opens many doors of possibilities of enhanced growth.
    • Releasing Stress
      Focusing on breath has innumerable benefits. Pausing, quieting the mind and focusing on breathing for a couple minutes brings the focus back to the present moment enhancing our ability to perform our tasks better. This releases stress and directly affects our overall performance.
    • Releasing Fear
      Putting things in perspective and looking at our obstacles as stepping stones releases the fear of uncertainty allowing us to manage our tasks in hand much more efficiently and effectively. Setting smaller manageable goals can actually be motivating and help alleviate fear.
    • Setting Intentions
      Mindfulness helps us embrace who we are in the present moment and this leads us to set intentions about the work we do. Embracing the present moment helps us accept and fall in love with the change as the change inspires new ideas to implement in a work environment, in turn boosting our performance at work.

  1. Guided Meditation
    Guided meditation promotes relaxation, reduces stress and related problems, helps manage pains while promoting mental, emotional and physical healing. Meditation is a great tool to manage stress and enhance self-awareness as it helps gain a new perspective on a stressful situation while reducing negative emotions.

  1. Exploring Inner Landscape
    When we turn inwards, we begin to explore who we are as a person. This helps us discover areas that need our focus and attention. We choose colours that speak to us in that particular moment and for each one of us, the choice of colours is different and so is the focus of our painting which when created reflects our inner landscape.

  1. Expressing and Releasing Emotions
    Pretending, avoiding, and denying uncomfortable emotions in an effort of self-preservation as a defense mechanism is normal human behaviour. When we use colours, textures, symbols and mark making to express the depths of our soul, we bring what’s hidden inside out on the canvas. This helps us process our emotions and move the energy of emotion through and out the body so we can let it go and promote healing.



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Pooja Grover

Pooja is a highly approachable Transformative Consultant, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer, Corporate Wellness Expert, and Intuitive Visual Artist, dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential at work and in life to become the best version of yourself. Pooja's approach is centered around cultivating self-awareness and embarking on a mindful journey to self-discovery, self-actualization, self-love, and self-compassion.