Boosting Immunity with Mindfulness

Boosting Immunity with Mindfulness

Creative Path to Awareness

Practicing mindfulness helps us combat the negative feelings that lead to stress and resultant inflammation in our bodies. Most of the time, stress seeps into our lives unknowingly and by the time we realize that it is there, we are already dealing with symptoms that follow. Worries about job, financial security, relationships at home or at work and health of self or loved ones are amongst  the daily stresses of life which severely impacts our immune system. Stress is an immunosuppressant and a compromised immune system is an open invitation to bodily inflammation and innumerable health problems. Most often we hear people around us saying that they are seeing specialists for their health concerns and are getting frustrated as they are getting vague answers to their deteriorating health. A compromised immune system leaves us vulnerable to common infections as well as opens the pandora box of auto-immune disorders. 

Training our immune system to combat the stress is the need of the hour and vital for our existence. Mindfulness can be practiced and incorporated in our daily lives  in very simple ways, helping us boost our immune system. It provides us with simple stress management tools.

  1. Eating Mindfully
    The gut-brain connection is very powerful and stress shuts down our digestive system bringing down our immunity as our bodies won’t get the proper nourishment from food making us more susceptible to autoimmune disorders. Simply focusing our attention on our food, the aroma, the texture, the flavour, the temperature, the colours and the sense of being present in the moment helps improve the production of the digestive juices in our bodies, helping us to better digest our food while allowing our bodies to be nourished with the food we eat. Avoiding distraction and the use of technology while eating also helps us form a healthy gut-brain connection.  

  1. Walking Mindfully
    Connecting with mother nature, listening to the sounds of nature and being present in the moment has a calming effect on our mind, body and spirit. Filling our lungs with oxygen, feeling the ground under our feet with every step we take, hearing the sounds of nature like the birds chirping or the water flowing or just the wind blowing creates sensations that bring calm, peace and stillness of thoughts while recharging our minds. We become observers of the bounties of the universe and a whole new world of possibilities opens up. Stress vanishes making way for acceptance, peace and calm as we realize that we are just a part of this amazing universe.

  1. Observing the Breath
    Focusing on our breath and observing it while taking the attention inside helps release stress instantly. Paying attention to the natural rhythmic breathing allows us to become one with the lifeforce while taking our attention out of our mind and into our body. We drop our worries, fear, anxiety instantly and feel connected within. Our thoughts come to a stand still as we realize that we are not our thoughts but a divine soul. Breathing deeply, filling our lungs with oxygen increases the supply of oxygen in the brain and reaching a state of deep calm is a great stress buster. Feel connected to the universe inside us as well as the one outside, one breath at a time.

  1. Connecting with Senses
    Our senses connect us to the present moment. Mindfully connecting with them brings a sense of peace and calm amidst the chaos of daily life. Pausing our thoughts to smell the morning coffee, feel the warmth of the coffee mug or just the feeling of being can help set the tone of our day. Feeling the breeze touch our face, smelling the fragrance of the flowers or simply soaking in the sunshine while allowing your heart to expand to receive the bountiful blessings of the universe has a calming effect while reducing the levels of stress and inflammation in our bodies. Pause… Connect… Feel… Receive… Put love and attention into the daily mundane tasks of life and invite bliss.

  1. Observing Thoughts
    Being aware of our thoughts, observing them mindfully and non-judgmentally, allowing them to come and go while resisting the temptation to  associate ourselves with them allows us to form deeper connections with ourselves. We are not our thoughts but mere observers of our thoughts. Being mindful of our self-talk as it is the conversation with the universe, helps us put things in perspective. Our destiny is a result of our thoughts. Recreating our destiny with the power and positivity of our thoughts puts us in control of our destiny therefore reducing the stress levels considerably.

  1. Expressing Emotions
    Allowing ourselves space to consciously process and understand our emotions helps us respond emotionally rather than having emotional reactions. Following our passions and allowing ourselves to express our deepest emotions in a creative way, whether it’s through creative writing or pursuing any form of art, helps us combat the negative feelings of stress and anxiety. Mindfully practicing being creative allows us to boost our immune system by reducing stress as it invites joy and pleasure in our lives.

  1. Mindfulness Meditation
    Embracing life as it comes, quieting our thoughts, deepening our relationship with our inner selves while connecting our mind, body and spirits through mindful meditation focusing on deep breathing and relaxation helps combat the negative feelings of hopelessness, despair, uncertainty and the fear of unforeseen. Mindfulness meditation disconnects us from our past experiences and uncertainty of the future while bringing the focus back to the present moment, allowing us to scan through our current feelings and emotions, put things in perspective and equipping us with a better understanding of who we are as a soul. We embark on a journey to rediscover our own values rather than the values of the society and better connect with the outside world while deepening our connection with the world within us. Stress disappears giving way to a heightened sense of self awareness.

  1. Attitude of Gratitude
    Immense gratitude paves way for immaculate immunity. Increase in positive emotions, vitality and a deepened sense of satisfaction are the amazing side-effects of wearing an attitude of gratitude. Being thankful for all the things in life whether big or small and expressing our appreciation for the bounties of the universe allows us to change our perspective towards anything and everything in life, paving way for increased optimism, tolerance, joy, pleasure and overall emotional well-being while reducing anger, resentment, intolerance, stress and overall feeling of despair. We are less bothered by our bodily pains and our immune system improves as we live life intentionally, being grateful for everything in our lives.

Remember, stress is an indispensable part of life that affects us all in one way or the other but it’s our reaction to the outside stressors that counts. Everyday we have a choice to be mindful, achieve a calmer state of mind, build greater resilience and better equip ourselves to face life. Our immune system will thank us!


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Pooja Grover

Pooja is a highly approachable Transformative Consultant, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer, Corporate Wellness Expert, and Intuitive Visual Artist, dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential at work and in life to become the best version of yourself. Pooja's approach is centered around cultivating self-awareness and embarking on a mindful journey to self-discovery, self-actualization, self-love, and self-compassion.