Retrain Your Mind

Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Half-Day Retreat (3 hrs)

Embark on a profound journey with Retrain Your Mind, a dynamic program designed to liberate you from limiting beliefs and empower you with invaluable tools and techniques, resulting in a substantial reduction of stress and anxiety while enhancing overall productivity.

This engaging live experience, available in both in-person and online formats, spans a rejuvenating three hours. Immerse yourself in an oasis of serenity as Retrain Your Mind guides you towards an inner sanctuary, fostering a profound sense of centeredness in the present moment. Our program uniquely employs a mindfulness-based approach, shaping mental habits that not only bolster personal resilience but also foster a resilient culture within teams and organizations. This retreat seamlessly integrates into any wellness routine, offering portable stress-reduction techniques that can be practiced anywhere, providing immediate relief.

Benefits of the Retrain Your Mind Program:
  1. Develops Awareness of the Present Moment: Gain a heightened sense of the present, fostering mindfulness that transcends into every aspect of life.
  2. Teaches Simple Yet Effective Tools for Grounding: Equip yourself with straightforward yet powerful techniques to remain grounded and focused in the midst of daily challenges.
  3. Release Stress and Embrace Uncertainty: Learn to shed stress and embrace uncertainty, fostering adaptability and resilience in the face of change.
  4. Boosts Productivity Through Overall Well-being: Elevate productivity by prioritizing overall well-being, resulting in a more efficient and effective work environment.
  5. Develops Resilience for Sustained High Performance: Cultivate resilience as a foundational trait, ensuring sustained high-performance levels in personal and professional realms.
  6. Enhances Communication, Collaboration, and Team Performance: Improve interpersonal dynamics within teams by fostering open communication, seamless collaboration, and elevated overall performance.
  7. Cultivates Outstanding Leadership Through Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence: Elevate leadership capabilities by nurturing emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ), facilitating a holistic approach to effective leadership.
  8. Amplifies Brain Power and Shifts Focus to Solutions: Experience an increase in cognitive abilities, allowing for enhanced problem-solving and a shift in focus from problems to solutions.

Embrace the transformative journey with Retrain Your Mind and unlock the keys to a more balanced, resilient, and empowered self.

As a token of appreciation, each participant will receive:
  • $25 Gift Certificate, redeemable on our website towards any energy healing package of their choice.
  • Special gift of FREE 15-minute Discovery Call with Pooja Grover, where insightful conversations unfold without any purchase obligation.
Our pure intention is to serve humanity by bringing deep healing to people at large in these unprecedented and stressful times, while giving back to the community in our own unique ways.

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” – Eckhart Tolle

We would love to partner with you to bring Retrain Your Mind to your organization.  Fill out this short form to receive more information or book a free consultation.


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