Executive Wellness

Developing Focus and Retraining The Subconscious Mind
3 modules of 90 minutes each

We train the leaders to cultivate resilience, develop focus and retrain their subconscious mind to accelerate growth. We help them create a simple yet powerful practice to stay in alignment with who they are on the inside to help support their team.  

Executive Wellness focuses on developing leadership tools by teaching practical mindfulness and cultivating emotional intelligence (EQ) as well as spiritual intelligence (SQ) to unlock your full potential as leaders. It gives you tried and tested tools to work more skillfully with difficult emotions, uncertainty and change.


Benefits of Executive Wellness

  • Cultivates acceptance of situation, people and self
  • Cultivates awareness of emotions of others and self and develops empathy
  • Develops your resilience that helps sustain high-performance
  • Improves communication, collaboration and team performance
  • Develops outstanding leadership by cultivating emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) 
  • Sets intentions in the light of present moment while embracing change as inevitable opportunity for growth
  • Builds your capacity to be productive, resourceful and creative even while dealing with changing circumstances or adversities


Program Content Delivered in 3 Modules

  • Module I – Self empowerment through self awareness and mindfulness
    It focuses on learning to stabilize emotions, and cultivate awareness and compassion. It based on learning simple techniques to shift the mindset to respond rather than react in pressing situations, developing new identity within, and cultivating Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Module II – Boosting performance through increased focus and attention
    It focuses on learning simple techniques to shift the mindset to respond rather than react in pressing situations. It is based on cultivating patience and resilience to stay centered and cultivate discernment to take right decisions. It gives you tools to tap into your inherent powers.
  • Module III – Realizing your full potential by shifting mindset and changing experiences
    It focuses on consciously slipping into the growth mindset whilst aligning your thoughts and feelings so that they are consistent. It’s based on connecting with your purpose, finding inner joy, cultivating clarity of thought and forming deeper and meaningful interpersonal and business connections to increase productivity and growth. It gives you tools to unlock your true potential by cultivating your Spiritual Intelligence.



“When we are well, our wellness spills onto others.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh

We would love to partner with you to bring Executive Wellness to your organization.  Fill out this short form to receive more information or book a free consultation.


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