21-Day Transformative Healing/Coaching Masterclass
Deep Cellular Healing | Guided Visualization Meditation | Intuitive Coaching

Namaste Divine Soul,
You often hear your family and friends saying to you to let go of the past trauma or hurt, forgive and move on to lighten your burden. You see value in their suggestion and go through the letting go and forgiveness process to finally convince yourself that you’ve dropped the baggage and moved on.
But… Have you ever wondered why the past trauma or hurt comes to surface when you find yourself in stormy waters? Why the mere mention of the person or the place related to your trauma or hurt triggers an emotional upheaval in your inner landscape?
Ever wondered why the pain or the hurt feels so fresh in testing times, even when you are so sure that you did go through the letting go process?
I’m sure you can relate to atleast one such incident in your life and wonder WHY?
The answer is very simple…
Healing inner wounds is an uncomfortable process, and your EGO doesn’t let you go through it as it tries to save you from the discomfort that comes with healing.
But… THERE IS NO SHORTCUT TO INNER HEALING. It’s a process that you must go through, as letting go and forgiveness are a part of healing.
The healing process might take some time and THAT’S OKAY, but that’s where the journey of letting go begins, allowing you to forgive and move on.
I’ve consciously created a 21-DAY TRANSFORMATIVE HEALING/COACHING MASTERCLASS that allows you to STEP INTO ‘YOUR’ POWER by allowing you to heal your deep inner wounds. I’ll work with you in a very small group setting of 3 like-minded souls, to allow you a safe and comfortable, non-judgmental space to heal.
What to expect from this powerful Masterclass?
- Understanding the source of pain
- Understanding who you are
- Clear understanding of the chakras or the energy centers of your subtle body
- Cleansing, balancing, aligning and activating the chakras to invite healing
- Connecting with your inner child to allow healing of deep inner wounds
- Cultivating self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-love and self-compassion
- Experiencing letting go and forgiveness as you’ve never experienced before
- Activating your heart center to experience unity consciousness
- Experiencing profound healing, evolution and awakening
- Deep inner peace, calm and stability in the knowing that ‘YOU ARE DIVINE’.
- Releasing false limiting beliefs, programming and old mental patterns
- Shifting to a growth mindset to align with your soul’s Divine blueprint
- Aligning with your life’s truest purpose
- Developing an understanding of your soul and empowering your soul to co-create an unstoppable ripple effect of transformation to raise the vibrations of the entire planet
- Shifting to your most ABUNDANT and ALIGNED timeline!
This 3-WEEK MASTERCLASS will have 7 INDIVIDUALIZED GROWTH SECTIONS filled with in-depth information to assist you to activate your light body to bring healing and transformation that your soul seeks. Each segment will transform you in a unique way using tools like
- Deep Cellular Healing
- Inner Child Healing
- Intuitive Consulting
- Light Body Activation
- Breathwork and Journaling
- Re-wiring Subconscious Mind
- Guided Visualization Meditation
How to Register?
Fill the form below, e-transfer the registration fee to mindfulintuitions@gmail.com and buckle up for the JOURNEY WITHIN.
Alternatively, hit the ‘SIGN UP NOW!’ button below to register.
Calling all evolving souls who are here to LISTEN TO THE WHISPERS OF THE SOUL!
Spaces open for January 2024!JOIN NOW! And please share with a like-minded soul who wants to HEAL, ASCEND, EXPAND and TRANSFORM into higher dimensions, just like ‘YOU’!!!
Let’s get you started on this incredible journey, NOW!
Fill in the form below and we will get back to you soon