Mindful Intuitions https://mindfulintuitions.com Transformational Consultant, Reiki Energy Healer, Visual Artist, Spiritual Coach Thu, 29 Feb 2024 01:59:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://mindfulintuitions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-logo-1-32x32.jpg Mindful Intuitions https://mindfulintuitions.com 32 32 Boundaries: The Key to Healthy Relationships and Personal Empowerment https://mindfulintuitions.com/setting-boundaries/ Tue, 25 Apr 2023 20:29:43 +0000 https://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=3942

Understanding Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an important aspect of maintaining healthy relationships, whether it be with friends, family, or coworkers. Boundaries help us to protect our emotional and physical well-being, and communicate our needs and expectations to others. Without boundaries, we may find ourselves constantly overworked, overwhelmed, and unhappy.

Boundaries are limits we set around ourselves to protect our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. They define what we are comfortable with and what we are not. Boundaries can take many forms, including time limits, emotional limits, physical limits, communication limits, and personal values.

In this blog post, I’m excited to share my insights and tips on how to set healthy boundaries and ensure that they are respected.

Why are boundaries important?

Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. Without boundaries, we may find ourselves being taken advantage of or constantly giving in to others’ demands. This can lead to feelings of resentment, burnout, and even anxiety and depression.

By setting boundaries, we can communicate our needs and expectations clearly, boldly and lovingly to others. This helps to establish mutual respect and understanding in our relationships. When we have clear boundaries, we are more likely to be able to manage our time and energy effectively, and avoid being overwhelmed, stressed or victimized. Boundaries help us put ourselves first without feeling guilty.

Here are some reasons why setting boundaries is so important:

  1. It helps to establish respect:
    When we set boundaries, we communicate to others what we are comfortable with and what we are not. By doing so, we establish respect for ourselves and for our needs, and we communicate to others that we expect them to respect us as well.

  2. It prevents burnout
    When we don’t set boundaries, we may find ourselves taking on too much and becoming overwhelmed. This can lead to burnout and exhaustion, which can have negative effects on our mental and physical health.

  3. It promotes self-care
    Setting boundaries is an act of self-care. By identifying what we need and communicating it to others, we prioritize our own needs and well-being.

How to set boundaries

Setting boundaries can be challenging, especially if we are not used to asserting ourselves or are worried about how others will react. Here are some steps you can take to set appropriate boundaries:

  1. Identify your limits
    Take some time to think about what you are comfortable with and what you are not. Consider what makes you feel stressed or uncomfortable in your relationships.

  2. Communicate your boundaries clearly
    Once you have identified your limits, communicate them clearly and assertively to the people in your life. Use “I” statements to express your needs and expectations, unapologetically.

  3. Set consequences
    It’s important to communicate consequences for violating your boundaries. For example, if someone continues to violate your time limit boundary, you could say “If you continue to ask me to work on this project for more than two hours a day, I will have to withdraw from the project.”

  4. Enforce your boundaries
    It’s important to be consistent in enforcing your boundaries. If someone continues to violate your boundaries, remind them of the consequences you have set and be willing to follow through with them.

  5. Be flexible
    While it’s important to communicate your boundaries clearly, it’s also important to listen to feedback from others. Be open to compromise and willing to adjust your boundaries, if necessary.

Ensuring that your boundaries are being followed and respected

Setting boundaries is only the first step in maintaining healthy relationships. It’s also important to ensure that your boundaries are being followed and respected. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your boundaries are being respected:

  1. Practice self-awareness
    Be aware of your own reactions and feelings when your boundaries are being violated. This will help you to recognize when your boundaries are being crossed and take action to enforce them.

  2. Be assertive
    Assertiveness is key to enforcing your boundaries. Be clear and firm when communicating your boundaries, and follow through with consequences if necessary.

  3. Seek support
    If you are struggling to enforce your boundaries, seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. They can offer guidance and help you to build confidence in asserting your boundaries.

  4. Take responsibility
    It’s important to take responsibility for enforcing your own boundaries. While it may be tempting to blame others for crossing your boundaries, ultimately it’s up to you to communicate them clearly and enforce them.

Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of maintaining healthy relationships. By identifying your limits, communicating your boundaries clearly, setting consequences, and enforcing your boundaries, you can protect your emotional and physical well-being and communicate your needs and expectations effectively.

Much love, light, and abundant blessings, Divine souls!


Have you ever struggled to set boundaries in your relationships, and if so, would you like to learn to do so?

Have you determined what your personal boundaries are, and if not, would you like to learn about the tools or resources that are available to help you do so?

Are you interested in learning in what ways can setting and enforcing boundaries help to promote greater respect, understanding, and communication in your relationships?


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Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities with Mindful Intuitions https://mindfulintuitions.com/unlocking-psychic-abilities/ Sat, 15 Apr 2023 01:43:53 +0000 https://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=3890

Understanding Psychic Abilities

As humans, we are all born with innate psychic abilities, also known as extrasensory perceptions (ESP). These abilities allow us to perceive and interpret information beyond our physical senses, such as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. However, various factors like societal conditioning, stress, and self-doubt can block our psychic abilities and limit our access to our intuition and inner guidance.

In this blog post, I’m excited to share my insights and tips on how you can unblock your psychic abilities and tap into your intuition.

The Role of Intuitions

Intuitions are the gentle nudges, gut feelings, and intuitive insights that arise from deep within us, about which we cultivate awareness as we work towards connecting with our inner being.

They are our inner guidance, pointing us towards our highest good. Through practicing mindfulness, we become fully present in the moment, aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. This heightened state of awareness allows us to tune into our intuition and unblock our psychic abilities.

Tips for Unblocking Your Psychic Abilities with Intuitions

  1. Cultivate Mindful Awareness
     Start by incorporating mindfulness into your daily life. Set aside moments of stillness and silence to tune into your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. Notice any intuitive insights that arise without trying to analyze or dismiss them.

  2. Connect with Your Inner Self
    Create a sacred space within yourself to connect with your inner self. This can be through meditation, journaling, creative writing or any other practice that allows you to quiet your mind and connect with your inner wisdom. Pay attention to any intuitive nudges or messages that arise during these practices.

  3. Trust Your Intuition 
    Trust that your intuition is a valuable source of guidance. Let go of any doubts, fears, or skepticism that may be blocking your psychic abilities. Practice trusting your intuition by acting on the insights you receive and observing the outcomes.

  4. Utilize Intuitive Consulting and Energy Healing 
    Seek energy healing and intuitive consulting from a trusted, aligned and heart centered practitioner. An intuitive consultant can provide guidance, validation, and clarity on your psychic abilities and help you unblock any energetic or emotional obstacles that may be hindering your intuition.

  5. Incorporate Intuitive Art
    Intuitive art, such as my visual artwork at Mindful Intuitions, can serve as powerful tools for unblocking psychic abilities. These artworks act as energetic live vision boards, helping you tap into your intuition and receive insights and messages from your subconscious mind, while also acting as a vibrational match to your heart’s deepest desires, allowing you to manifest withe ease and grace.

  6. Practice Energetic Clearing
    Psychic abilities can be blocked by stagnant energy or negative influences. Practice energetic clearing techniques, such as smudging, salt baths, or aura cleansing rituals, to release any energetic blockages and create a clean, clear energetic space for your psychic abilities to flourish.

Unlocking your psychic abilities is a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness. By cultivating mindful awareness, connecting with your inner self, trusting your intuition, utilizing intuitive consulting, incorporating intuitive art, and practicing energetic clearing, you can unblock your psychic abilities and tap into your intuition.

Remember, your intuition is a valuable tool that can guide you on your spiritual path and help you navigate life’s challenges with clarity and confidence. Embrace your psychic abilities, trust your intuition.

Much love, light, and abundant blessings, Divine souls!


Have you ever wondered how mindfulness and intuitive consulting can support your spiritual development and enhance your psychic abilities?

Are you willing to release what no longer serves you, heal your inner child, and honor your intuition to manifest abundance in your life?

Are you interested in learning how intuitive art can act as energetic live vision boards to help you connect with your inner wisdom and intuition?

Have you considered how developing your intuition can positively impact your personal and professional life, and what steps can you take to cultivate this skill?

Are you open to exploring the power of energetic clearing and its impact on unblocking your psychic abilities?


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Gratitude 2021… Welcome 2022 https://mindfulintuitions.com/gratitude2021-welcome2022/ Fri, 31 Dec 2021 16:50:18 +0000 https://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=3614

Gratitude 2021… Welcome MAGICAL 2022

Humbly, I sit in silence for a moment to reflect on the profound lessons and unlimited blessings that this past year brought me.
I honour 2021 for nudging me to go a little deeper in my soul exploration journey to shine light on those aspects of my being that needed a little more love and attention.
Filled with many surprises and ‘dream come true’ moments, 2021 brought me many reasons to celebrate the expansion of my soul and the integration of lessons that I, the soul, chose to learn in this lifetime.
Gratitude for the lows as they taught me that I am only limited by my mind and my thoughts. 
I am limitless!
Gratitude for the highs as they taught me that I have immense powers to manifest abundance in all aspects of life. 
I am free spirited!
Gratitude for my guides in spirit and earthly realm as they taught me to let go and let be, surrender and be the Divine instrument to channel their wisdom through me. 
OM So Hum!
Gratitude for the awareness and ability to hold unconditional and nonjudgmental space for my soul family as they learnt to connect with their inner wisdom. 
I am supported!
Gratitude for the unwavering support of you all through all the past years as a witness to my transformation, always cheering me and being there for me in your own unique ways. 
I am blessed!
My grateful heart is ready to embrace the magical 2022 – a phenomenal year of manifestations and growth!
The supportive energies of 2022 and the heavy influx of light energy is felt deep within as I ground myself in this moment to CELEBRATE LIFE in all its glory to bid farewell to remarkable 2021.
WELCOME 2022!!!
Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy, joyful and blessed New Year!
May 2022 be a magical year of manifestations and abundant blessings for you!
Dream… Sparkle… Shine… Divine soul!


Did you take a few minutes to reflect on 2021 and its blessings?

What are you grateful for?

What are your visions for 2022?


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Mindful Awareness of Emotions https://mindfulintuitions.com/mindful-awareness-of-emotions/ Wed, 03 Feb 2021 22:17:09 +0000 https://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=2491

Activating Growth Mindset

Quite often we use the word ‘NEGATIVE’ in our conversations without realizing the impact it has on our subconscious mind. Especially with this pandemic going on, we are labeling most of our ‘UNCOMFORTABLE’ or ‘DIFFICULT’ emotions as ‘NEGATIVE’. One such emotion which we label as negative is ‘FEAR’!

Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of going through a heartbreak, fear of dying, fear of losing a loved one or fear of not having enough; we all experience this uncomfortable emotion in our lives at some point in one way or the other. It is very easy to label it as a ‘negative’ emotion and refrain from dealing with it.

Today, I invite you to look at fear from a different perspective without labeling it as a ‘negative’ emotion. Fear can actually be a very good teacher, an emotion that allows us to stretch ourselves and push our boundaries, be a little uncomfortable, think outside the box and step outside our comfort zones. Been there, done that! I know it’s not easy but it’s doable.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

Fear is an opportunity for us to train our mind to stay balanced and anchored in the present moment. Cultivate self-awareness and acknowledge the presence of fear as and when this emotion arises and then mindfully stand in your own power. Harness the energy of this beautiful emotion to dive deeper into your soul to unleash immense inherent powers of your soul.

Fear can be transformative as it can trigger a series of events that can guide us to go deep within to get to the root cause of the fear which is usually in our childhood as childhood traumas manifest into uncomfortable emotions we go through in our adult life, fear being one of them.

Mindful awareness of our emotions however difficult or uncomfortable they might be, acknowledging their presence and making necessary amends so as to deal with them in the present moment opens up a whole new world of possibilities where growth becomes inevitable.

Today I challenge you to shift your mindset and see such uncomfortable and difficult emotions like ‘fear’ as opportunities for transformation. Let’s be mindful of the labels we attach to uncomfortable and difficult emotions as well as situations, remembering that our thoughts are quite powerful and our thoughts manifest into our reality.

Much love and light, Divine souls!


Do you feel stuck in old thought patterns?

Would you like to cultivate growth mindset?

Would you like to step into a whole new world of possibilities?


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Exploring Inner Horizons During Global Pandemic 2020 https://mindfulintuitions.com/exploring-inner-horizons-during-global-pandemic-2020/ Wed, 16 Sep 2020 18:23:14 +0000 https://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=1101

Choosing to grow mindfully

The year 2020 is a sacred landmark in the history of mankind and marks the beginning of a new era of enlightenment, revelations, synchronicities and transformations. For me personally, it marks my rebirth on a new spiritual level. 

My passion for personal development, growth and ‘LIFE’ itself coupled with the uncertainty lurking during COVID 19 urged me to take the lockdown time to deal with the chaos within amidst the chaos in the outside world. Staying home during the lockdown has been a blessing in its truest sense for me as it gave me the much needed time for self reflection, self realization and self actualization. Self love and self compassion have been on my priority list lately as I connected deeply with my inner child. 

In an attempt to live the life of our dreams, at times we feel so burdened and overwhelmed that we forget to live life itself. This puts us in a vicious cycle of anxiety and stress to a point that for some even life becomes a burden. Coupled with the uncertainty of the global pandemic crisis, I found that most people around me were struggling to cope with the daily stresses of life. I soon realized that practicing mindfulness and meditation was keeping me and my family afloat whereas creative outlets allowed us to express our soul and keep us connected to our inner being.

Looking at the brighter side of life, spreading our roots, nourishing our soul, blossoming and growing, no matter how adverse the circumstances might be, is an art which when learnt brings immense inner growth and transformation. Recognizing our own gifts and harnessing our soul power to illuminate not just our life but our entire surroundings takes courage and a grateful heart. During the lockdown, I launched a virtual Mindful ‘YOU’ Peaceful ‘YOU’ Program to provide children, youth and adults with the tools and practices to foster and sustain self-awareness and self-compassion in order to bring positive changes within themselves and their community at large through intuitive art and guided meditation. Deep healing and profound inner connection occurs when we learn to consciously slow down and focus on living in the present moment. 

We are blessed with an abundance of time in the current global scenario. Focusing on creating space in our lives for something new to emerge is a true blessing. Strongly believing in this, I took the time of lockdown to go within and immerse in the beauty of the creatively visualized magical forest where I connected with nurturing Mother Earth, grounding myself in the present moment, experiencing Heavenly Bliss and recreating those magical moments on canvas using colours. I created artwork that expressed my deepest feelings and desires and participated in the first ever National Arts Drive turning the lawn and the porch of my house into a beautiful gallery for my community. 

The global pandemic created time for us all to self-reflect and make mindful choices in the present moment. During this time, I choose to invite gratitude in my life in all that I do and practice social distancing to help our health care system to better deal with the current situation and to help flatten the curve. Trusting my guidance and intuition, I made some decisions, immersed myself in energy healing and guided meditation and my personal life started feeling more in flow and I was more in sync with my inside world. My journey to exploring the depths of my soul took an interesting turn and I headed into a new phase of spiritual growth; least did I know that the most magical part of the journey was about to begin during these uncertain times with me treading uncharted waters and frequently stepping out of my comfort zone.

What started as an adventurous journey of self-discovery has actually brought profound healing and deep relaxation. My perception of the world changed as I opened my heart to receive the blessings of the universe. Today, I feel strongly connected to the Universal Life Force as I found profound peace and comfort in being connected with Reiki energy healing. This loving and healing energy has brought about complete transformation opening my heart to the love and bounties of the Universe, allowing me to bring light to the souls around me.

Covid-19 taught us all some valuable lessons. Embrace the positive changes that we see in the world today as Mother Earth heals and be inspired by her ability to bounce back and rejuvenate. Soak in her beauty and restore your own soul.

Let’s choose mindfully! Let’s choose to grow whilst practicing social distancing. Let’s find beauty in turbulent times that we are all faced with. Let’s welcome the numerous blessings and opportunities that lie amidst the chaos. Let’s cultivate the attitude of gratitude and expand our hearts inviting and appreciating a more abundant life as the Earth heals during this global pandemic. Let’s take this time to express our deep gratitude for Mother Earth while reflecting on our own abilities and positive attributes to ignite the spark within the deepest darkest moments. “Gratitude Habitat” is the mantra of this new era! Let’s chant it, together!


How did you cope up with the chaos outside?
How do you ground yourself when the going gets tougher?


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Healing Powers of Intuitive Art https://mindfulintuitions.com/healing-powers-of-intuitive-art/ Sat, 04 Jul 2020 00:00:48 +0000 http://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=364

Exploring & Expressing Your Soul

Art therapy is a uniquely creative way to connect with your inner being, listen to the whispers of your soul and express its depth through the use of colours. Research indicates that art therapy helps improve communication and concentration besides reducing feelings of isolation. It leads to self-esteem, confidence and self-awareness. Techniques of art therapy can include but are not limited to painting, drawing, colouring or sculpting.

Through the exploration of art in a safe and non-judgemental environment, you start exploring colours, themes, patterns that may or may not be affecting your thoughts, emotions and behaviours in that very moment. When gently guided through the process of creating intuitive art, you begin to explore the depths of your own soul. This is when you set foot on your healing journey through intuitive meditative art.

Mindful Intuitions provides a trusting, open, non-judgemental and kind-hearted atmosphere that encourages learning and participation. In such an environment, art therapy can be an effective mental health treatment for people who have experienced (or are experiencing) depression, trauma, chronic medical illness or social blockages. Art therapy can be a very effective way to gain personal insight as well as healing by diving deep into your soul and exploring its depths.

To be able to participate in therapeutic art practices, you don’t need to have artistic abilities or talents. People of all ages can benefit from indulging in art therapy. Since art therapy focuses on expressing ‘YOUR’ inner landscape through the medium of art, just the mere presence of art can help boost mental health. Mindful awareness of your mental and physical state in the moment helps you to open up, explore and understand your emotions, reflect on your inner landscape and when a safe non-judgemental environment is provided, you feel guided to paint your own Mindful Intuitions.

At Mindful Intuitions, I strive to integrate intuitive meditative visual arts and the creative process of art making with energy healing and guided meditation. The high vibrational energy of my studio allows you to open up, accept your emotions and better identify, understand, experience and process your emotions.


Would you like to experience the healing powers of intuitive art?

Would you like to explore ‘YOUR’ inner landscape through art?

Would you like to be guided to paint your own Mindful Intuitions?


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Moments of Stillness https://mindfulintuitions.com/moments-of-stillness/ Fri, 03 Jul 2020 00:00:55 +0000 http://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=367

Breathe, Relax, Connect, Create

Enjoyable are those moments of stillness during meditation, when the mind is quiet and you are able to hear the sound of silence. Mindful awareness of breath takes us on a journey into the depths of our soul. Exploring the deep emotions and creatively expressing them through intuitive art brings deep relaxation and awakening, unfolding the mysteries of life as we walk in faith and learn to surrender. It is at such times that we feel the need to center and ground ourselves through guided mindfulness meditation. Peace begins… We create a happier ‘LIFE’… We experience powerful transformations… And ‘THE MAGIC BEGINS’…

Mindfulness Meditation brings breath awareness, acceptance of who we are at the soul level, dissolution of I or ego followed by deep silence, allowing us to experience moments of stillness and listen to the sound of silence. Focusing on breath during meditation allows us to experience deep relaxation while connecting with our being within. When we ignite our spiritual journey through meditation, our soul soars high tapping into the Universal Life Force, creating and experiencing greatest healing and liberation. We experience moments of stillness within and in such Divine moments we start tapping into the unlimited powers of our soul while shaping and creating our own destiny. Life starts to unfold in mysterious ways as we come to realize the immense power that’s within us.

Thoughts are the language of our mind and feelings are the language of our body. Moments of stillness experienced during meditation allow us to anchor ourselves within in the present moment while aligning our thoughts and feelings so that they are consistent with our soul’s Divine blueprint. This doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of patience and will-power to make those innumerable trips diving deep into the depths of our soul, identifying and letting go of our limiting beliefs and old patterns, conditioning and rewiring our soul to experience pure bliss. Remember, ‘YOU’ are the architect of your mind, body and soul.

Do you want to move towards breathtaking new levels of intuition, creativity and heightened sense of self?

Would you like to elevate yourself to your optimum potential?

Would you like to expand your consciousness to allow peace, endless inspiration and phenomenal soul power to enter your present reality?

Would you like to be fully awake at every moment?

If the answer to any of the above questions is ‘YES’ then I urge you to make mindfulness meditation a way of life. Refuse to be enslaved by circumstances and learn to harness the power of your soul, getting back into alignment with your higher self and experiencing moments of stillness.

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From Mantra to Stillness https://mindfulintuitions.com/from-mantra-to-stillness/ Mon, 04 May 2020 00:00:44 +0000 http://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=371

Experiencing the shift within…

Mantra is a combination of two Sanskrit words, ‘mana’ (mind) and ‘tra’ (tool). They help the mind connect with the higher consciousness. Mantras are powerful meditation and therapy tools which when chanted, recited, whispered or simply hummed have the ability to free the mind of the never ending chatter while calming the nerves at the same time.  Mantras aid concentration in meditation, shushing the constant chatter of the mind and embracing stillness to hear the sound of the Universe within. The high vibrations of the mantras helps to mindfully focus attention on the thoughts, emotions and patterns of the mind. Mantra meditation brings deep healing as mantras work at a deeper level to create lasting effects. Consistency is the key with mantra meditation.

Choosing a Mantra

When it comes to choosing a mantra for our practice, it is okay to find ourselves quite overwhelmed with the abundance of mantras to choose from. Always trust your intuition and be guided by it to choose a mantra that resonates with you the most. There is immense wisdom and magic within us to guide us to the mantra that calls us in that particular moment in which we need it the most. I truly believe that the mantra chooses us if we are open to listening to it’s call and are intuned with our intuition. Know your mantra and its deeper meaning as each mantra’s deeper meaning connects you to life, the Universal Life Force and the Divine within you.

Incorporate intuitively and mindfully chosen mantra into your daily meditation practice and LET THE MAGIC BEGIN!!!

Here are a few widely known Sanskrit mantras:

  • OM (AUM)
  • Ek Omkar
  • Om Shanti
  • Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
  • Om Namah Shivay
  • Sat Naam
  • Aham Prema

Creating a Practice

Creating a meditation practice based on mantras and their healing abilities is quite simple but very effective in stilling the mind. Repetitive recitation of the mantras with focused attention allows the mind to be in a meditative state bringing deep relaxation and enhancing its ability to cope with life’s unexpected stressors. Give yourself at least 21 days to meditate on a mantra with awareness, allowing the mind to completely immerse itself in the deeper meaning of the mantra so as to experience the healing benefits of mantra meditation. The idea is to give the mind enough time to use the mantra meditation as a tool to connect to the higher consciousness by repetitive recitation of the mantra with complete awareness of its true meaning, completely shutting the mind from the outside world and connecting with the Divine within. 

Here’s how we can easily create a mantra meditation practice:

  • Create a sacred place 
    Light up a candle, burn an incense or dim the lights; whatever works best for your soul. There is no right or wrong way or place to meditate but having a sacred place to go to which is calming and inviting helps set the mood.
  • Recite the mantra 
    Recitation of the mantra itself, it’s sound or simply humming it helps connect the mind with the higher consciousness. There is no rule book that works here. Always be guided by intuition.
  • Be thankful for the meditation practice 
    Attitude of gratitude brings humility and aids in the meditation practice. Creating the thought, choosing the mantra, creating a sacred place and shushing the mind to recite the mantra are all steps in the right direction which lead to the Divine within and a grateful soul sees the light within with minimal consistent effort.
  • Open your heart to receive the bounties of the Universe 
    The Universal Life Force flows freely in the Universe and within each one of us. It takes courage to open the delicate petals of the soul one by one to see the light within and connect with the Divine within. It takes a patient and an open heart filled with love and compassion to receive the bountiful blessings of the Universe. Complete surrender in the present moment is the key to channeling the bounties of the Universe to and from an open heart.
  • Know that the Universe supports you 
    The Universe is always guiding and supporting you in it’s unique ways. In order to listen to the calls of the Universe, align with your intuition, use mantras as tools to connect with the higher consciousness and raise the vibrations of your soul. In doing so, remember to trust the process and believe that the Universe has your back. The soul knows the path to light; walk with faith in the heart, embracing what comes along while anchoring in the chosen mantra.

Align yourself with the will of the Universe and it’s creative energy…
Harmonize your personal vibrations with the natural vibrations of the Universe to manifest desired outcomes…
Boost your meditation practice with the power of mantras…
Harness the power of your soul…
Experience the shift within,


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Dimensions of Intelligence (3Q’s) https://mindfulintuitions.com/dimensions-of-intelligence-3qs/ Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:24 +0000 http://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=378

‘SUCCESS’ Built to Last

Building a foundation of trust and happiness within an organization is of utmost importance for organizational and individual growth and success. Curiosity, adaptability, open-mindedness, mindful living and high vibrations are becoming increasingly important in the present unprecedented times to unlock the true potential in turbulence and kick start tremendous growth.

Intelligence is more than just knowing things. It is doing the right thing at the right time at the right place. To be able to manage both our internal environment (US) and our external environment (What surrounds US) requires the presence of 3Q’s. Let’s look at the 3 Dimensions of Intelligence (3Q’s) closely.

Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) – Thinking Inside The Box

IQ is the cognitive ability to obtain knowledge, think logically and rationally to solve logical problems using the knowledge base. IQ includes reasoning ability, problem-solving ability, ability to perceive relationships between things as well as ability to store and retrieve information.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – Thinking About The Box

EQ is the emotional ability to access and recognize where the power of the situation lies, understand and manage your emotions and behaviour as well as that of others and behave appropriately within it. The skills involved in EQ are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social-awareness. Cultivating EQ in an organization (in the workplace) paves way to better collaboration among employees and a happier workplace. 

Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) – Thinking Outside the box

SQ is the spiritual ability to find answers to fundamental questions which makes us whole or the organization whole. It is immensely powerful and more important than other intelligences. It represents a higher dimension of intelligence. SQ will play a decisive role in the near future as the world is being hit hard by this global pandemic.

Why are the 3Q’s more important now than ever?

Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) is something you are born with and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can be acquired whereas Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) needs to be inculcated within. IQ is just the measurement of intelligence. Managing emotions is more important than managing your intellect. Research has proven EQ to be twice as important in contributing to excellence than intellect and expertise alone. Building and maintaining good business relationships is the key to success of any business organization.

In the current times, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) have become the defining factor for any sustainable profitable organization. EQ and SQ helps deal with deeper issues and create sustainable profits alongside enhanced growth and productivity. 

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the key to success especially in such turbulent times where effectively recognizing and managing our own emotions as well as those of others is of utmost importance to maintain peace and calm not just within an organization but in the real world but as well. Emotions have the potential to get in the way of our most important relationships whether personal or business and managing them is an art that can be cultivated. In such unprecedented times, it’s our ability to stay positive, patient and persistent that will bring the change even when we are unable to see any growth on the surface. Staying focused and believing in ourselves even when we don’t see immediate results  is the biggest challenge we are facing globally in these times. EQ is all about having control on how we react after an incidence. One wrong reaction can cause a chain reaction of bad incidences. 

Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) is the most powerful resource for personal and professional growth and fulfillment. SQ finds deeper meaning and purpose beyond ego. It is vital for high performance and personal wellness. Cultivating a deeper sense of being and purpose helps organizations realize their full potential by maximizing productivity while contributing to the overall well being of their employees. The benefits of SQ exceed the scope of IQ and EQ. Freedom from ego grants:

  • Wisdom and clarity of vision
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Increased creativity and intuition
  • Greater personal fulfillment
  • Better performance on important life skills and work skills

Embrace Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) as part of your managerial vocabulary!

Why Invest in EQ and SQ Training?

These dimensions of intelligence, EQ and SQ, helps deal with deeper issues in an organization and it’s employees. Investment in EQ and SQ

  • Increases creativity and innovation
  • Increases employee engagement
  • Increases productivity
  • Creates sustainable profits
  • Enhances personal and organizational growth 

IQ is Found Intelligence (Left Brain)
EQ is Adaptive Intelligence (Right Brain)
SQ is Transformational Intelligence (Whole Brain)
And, together they lay the foundation of “SUCCESS” Built To Last

SQ – EQ – IQ is a journey from inside out!

It’s Doable! Let us show you how!

Let us support you!


Check out our Workplace Mindfulness – Corporate Wellness Program! Finding a deeper meaning and purpose at work and in life will help you uncover strengths you never knew you had. When you work with your strengths, you slip into a natural state of flow engaging with your work. You offer work your best in this state.

Build a positive work environment and feel the greatest satisfaction by cultivating EQ and SQ.

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On a Quest! https://mindfulintuitions.com/on-a-quest/ Wed, 15 Apr 2020 00:00:30 +0000 http://mindfulintuitions.com/?p=381

Finding answer to a pressing question, “Who am I?” 

Did you know that I sign my artwork as Mindful Intuitions and don’t use my given name?

Ever wondered who you are? Identity crisis is real and believe it or not, many of us face the question “Who am I?” at some point in our lives.

2020 has been a rocking year for me so far, personally. The transformation, as I know it, began a few years ago when I mindfully chose to let go of my given name and not associate it with my artwork. That was my first step towards the transformational healing journey that I set my foot on, not knowing where I am heading but having this gut wrenching feeling of detaching my art from my given name, losing myself the way the world knows me and beginning the quest to finding the answer to a pressing question, “Who am I?” At that point in time I had no clue how deeply impacted I will be as I embark on this journey in the unknown realms of my being.

What began merely as a healing journey, an attempt to explore the depths of my being, a conscious effort to explore my emotions and use textures to express those deeper feelings on the canvas, brought awareness and led me on the path to spiritual awakening. What started as an adventurous journey of self-discovery has actually brought profound healing and deep relaxation. My perception of the world changed as I opened my heart to receive the blessings of the universe.

The journey of painting my Mindful Intuitions seems to have just begun…

As I dive into the deep uncharted territory of the deepest layers of my soul, I become fully awake in every moment of my being. Awareness of breath takes me on a magical journey of exploring the deep emotions and creatively expressing them through intuitive art. This brings deep relaxation and awakening, unfolding the mysteries of life as I walk in faith and learn to surrender. Guided mindfulness meditation, breathwork, healing mantras, Reiki energy healing, chakra balancing  and energy clearing whilst allowing my intuition to be expressed through colours are a part of my healing routine and help me raise my vibrations to connect with my highest self.

Would you like to indulge in mindfulness based intuitive art therapy?

Would you like to find inner peace through breathwork and healing mantras?

Do you want to move towards breathtaking new levels of intuition?

Would you like to elevate yourself to your optimum potential?

Connect with me NOW and allow me to take you on a journey to finding inner peace and meeting new ‘YOU’.

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